If you have received a letter stating that your identity has been compromised, from your employer or another company, then you need to contact us immediately!
When a business is alerted to a data breach of the personal information of people stored in their systems, companies must send you a “Notice of Data Breach”. If you were sent this letter, please contact attorney Zach Dostart at zdostart@sdlaw.com or (858) 623-4265.
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California law makes it illegal for companies to keep secret any hacks to their websites or other systems where name, date of birth, social security number, credit card info, 401k details, or any other piece of information are released. Sometimes, the full extent of data breaches are not known by the time the letter is received. So, it is of the utmost importance to consult with an attorney immediately upon hearing your identity may have been stolen.
This law firm is investigating whether certain companies, who have had recent data breaches, comply with the laws. Of course, your rights depend on your individual circumstances, and we cannot guarantee or predict any result.
If you have been a victim of a data breach and you received a letter from the company, please contact Zach Dostart at zdostart@sdlaw.com or (858) 623-4265 now! Please note that our firm is conducting an investigation and we do not know if they have violated your rights. The submission of information through this webpage does not create an attorney-client relationship. We cannot guarantee any result.
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