
Have You Been Charged High Interest Rates by a Loan Company?

Investigation into High Interest Rates

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    High Interest Rate Loan Class Action Investigations

    If you have been charged high interest rates by a loan company company within the past four years, please complete the form on this page or contact attorney Zach Dostart directly at zdostart@sdlaw.com or (858) 623-4265

    Investigation Details of High Interest Rate Loan Companies

    California law makes it illegal for companies to charge certain rates of interest.  For most loans, absent certain exceptions, the maximum interest rate is about 38%.  This law firm is investigating whether companies are complying with the law.  (Of course, your rights depend on your individual circumstances, and we cannot guarantee or predict any result.)

    Do You Have a High Interest Rate Loan?

    If you are located in the State of California, and you obtained a high interest rate loan at any time on or after January 1, 2020, please complete the form on this page or contact Zach Dostart directly at zdostart@sdlaw.com or (858) 623-4265.

    *Please note that our firm is conducting an investigation of companies and we do not know if they have violated your rights.  The submission of information through this webpage does not create an attorney-client relationship.  We cannot guarantee any result.

    Have Questions?

      Attorney Advertising.  This webpage may be considered attorney advertising.